• To start making Tandoori Paneer Tikka Masala recipe, we first have to make the tikka masala.

  • In a bowl, combine cream and chopped mint leaves.

  • Crush the fennel seeds and ajwain and add them to the yogurt mixture. Add the remaining tikka masala ingredients to the cream mixture and mix well.

  • Place the cheese cubes in a large bowl, add the marinade, cover and let sit for about half an hour to an hour, or even overnight.

  • Use a blender to make a paste of ginger and garlic Pestle and Mortar.

  • Heat the oil in a heavy-bottomed pan; add the crushed ginger and garlic and sauté for a few seconds. Add tomatoes and bring to a rapid boil. Add the cheese and marinade together and stir well to combine all ingredients.

  • Check the salt and spices and adjust to your taste. Cover the pot and cook Paneer Tikka Masala for about 3 to 4 minutes.

  • While simmering, we can prepare the coal for the suction method.

  • Take a piece or two of coal (about 3 inches large) and use tongs to hold it over the gas flame. The coals will begin to turn red and turn gray after approximately 5 minutes.

  • This suggests that coal could be used for smoking. Place these hot coals into a crack-proof bowl. At this point, heat a large wok or a rimmed frying pan, covered, over medium heat. Place the coals on the panel along with the bowl.

  • Place coals and bowl over paneer.

  • Add a spoonful of ghee or oil over the coals. It will start to smoke. Immediately cover the pot, reduce the heat to low, and let sit until the smoke disappears, about a minute. Open the lid and remove the coal cup.

    এছাড়াও পড়ুন  ভারতের খাদ্য শিল্প বিশ্বব্যাপী স্ক্যানার, কিন্তু এখানে সংস্কারের সুযোগ রয়েছে
  • Your dish will get smoky flavored paneer that tastes just like Tandoori Paneer Tikka Masala.

  • Send me Paneer Tikka Masala with favorite Indian bread, Jeera Pulao, Papad and Raita for a complete dinner for your family.

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