Boy Scouts to revive long-standing tradition of helping kick off Calgary Stampede - Calgary |

Some young people in Calgary are concerned about Calgary Stampede.

Helping to host World Parade Day is just the beginning of their summer fun.

member 31English Stone St. Cyprian Scout Group is reviving its long-standing tradition of offering bleacher seating at the Stampede Parade.

“It feels good to be able to help other people see this issue in a better perspective,” said 14-year-old Axl Graham-McNeill.

The organization has been setting up stands for parades since the early 1970s.

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This is the first time since 2019 that a Boy Scout group has offered parade seating due to the CODID-19 pandemic and other obstacles.

“We're really happy to be here again,” said Scout leader John Parkin.

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The 900 tickets sold account for almost half of the group's annual fundraising, enough to cover various expenses.

“It helps us get new gear and equipment to go to camp and Scout galas,” said 11-year-old Blair Kassam.

“It just helps us make Scouting a little bit better.”

Participating in the Stampede Parade will also promote Scouts of CanadaEfforts to recruit more Scout leaders.

“We really hope that the name of the Boy Scouts gets out there so that adults see what the kids are doing and hopefully their kids get involved and they get involved themselves,” Parkin said.

The 3rd St. Cyprian Scout Troop is now selling bleacher tickets through its website.

The parade takes place on the morning of Friday, July 5, officially marking the start of the 2024 Calgary Stampede.

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