Toronto Public Health recommends meningococcal vaccination in response to increase in cases - Toronto |

people healthy Toronto officials recommend people get vaccinated Meningococcal disease Given the increase in the number of cases.

Toronto Public Health says 13 cases of invasive meningitis have been reported so far this year, more than the total number of cases in any year since 2002.

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Two of the 13 cases have been fatal, the agency said.

Several countries, including the United States, have reported an increase in cases of the potentially life-threatening bacterial infection this year, the report said.

The disease can affect people of any age, but is most common in children under five, teenagers and unvaccinated young people, TPH said.

The agency said outbreaks could occur during large gatherings and people travelling for Hajj or Pride events should ensure they were protected.

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Symptoms usually begin with fever, joint pain, headache, neck stiffness, and increased sensitivity to light.

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