Saskatoon Pride bans Saskatchewan Party from Pride events |

The Saskatoon Pride Parade has joined forces with organizers in Regina, Prince Albert and North Battleford to ban the Saskatchewan Party from participating in this month's Pride parades.

Queen City Pride made the announcement in mid-May following the passage of Bill 137, also known as the Parents' Rights Bill, by the Saskatchewan government last October.

Saskatoon Pride Festival said in a public statement that the Saskatchewan Party and its members who voted in favor of Bill 137 are banned from the 2024 Pride parade and all other festival events.

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“They are not allies to Two-Spirit, transgender or other queer people in this province,” said Saskatoon Pride. “How to move forward? Repeal Bill 137 and a careful conversation can begin.”

After Queen City Pride decided to exclude the party from its Pride event, Saskatchewan Education Minister Jeremy Cockrill said the move “Obviously it's disappointing.”

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“When I look at Bill 137 … the focus of the bill is to ensure that parents are able to participate in important decisions and important conversations in their children’s lives,” he said.

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