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Ontario Premier Doug Ford and several senior cabinet ministers are remaining silent on whether the provincial government will legislate to end a potential Toronto transit strike as politicians hope the two sides can find a negotiated solution.

Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) workers, including bus and subway drivers, will walk off the job at 12:01 a.m. Friday if the two sides fail to reach an agreement. If a strike breaks out, the city's bus network would be paralyzed before workers begin their morning commute.

While Ford suggested the transit strike would cost the city and the province “billions of dollars,” he stopped short of promising the province would take action to end the labour and economic disruption that would follow.

“They should negotiate in good faith … We should avoid this at all costs,” Ford told reporters before a cabinet meeting at Queen's Park.

Asked whether the government would propose legislation to end the strike, Ford said that was “hypothetical” and opted to wait until negotiations were concluded.

While the transport minister did not propose specific measures on how the province should handle the strike, the province's labour minister said the ministry had expressed support.

“It is important to respect the collective bargaining process and we urge both parties to reach an agreement. There is still time,” said Labor Secretary David Piccini.

“My department and I have assigned a mediator to the case who is available 24/7. We really hope they can come to an agreement.”

Paul Calandra, leader of the lower house of parliament, also remained silent.

“The city of Toronto is negotiating, and I'm hopeful they'll be able to come to an agreement,” he said.

“Like all of you, I'm listening to the TTC chairman. He seems very optimistic that they can reach a deal, so, unless I hear otherwise, I'm going to follow his advice.”

Parties sidestep questions about possible strike

Transport Minister Prabmeet Sarkaria also did not address the possibility of a strike on Tuesday. When asked if he would mobilize Metrolinx to help ease disruptions caused by the strike, the minister said only that he hoped a deal could be reached.

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Ontario NDP Leader Marit Stiles said Tuesday she would not support back-to-work legislation, and was evasive when asked if she would help the government speed up any laws that could prevent strikes.

“They could easily pass legislation in a matter of days,” she said. “But look, there’s no need to strike. I happen to know, believe me, I’ve been on both sides of the table, neither side wants to strike.”

Mike Schreiner, leader of the Ontario Green Party, would not say whether he would support any back-to-work bill proposed by the government.

“I think what we need to do first is avoid a strike,” he said. “No one wants the TTC to shut down.”

Ford 'disappointed' TTC no longer providing essential service

TTC workers were able to strike because two Ontario courts overturned previous laws that designated the TTC an essential service and prevented them from striking.

In May, the Ontario Court of Appeal dismissed the provincial government's appeal of a lower court ruling that classifying TTC employees as essential workers was unconstitutional. Employees classified as essential workers are not allowed to strike.

Last year, a Superior Court judge ruled that the law interfered with workers’ collective bargaining rights, and the Court of Appeal upheld the ruling in a split opinion.

Premier Ford also said he was “disappointed” that the courts had struck down a law introduced by the previous Liberal government in 2011 that designated the TTC an essential service.

“I am disappointed that the court overturned this decision,” Ford said.

“It's going to cost the province billions of dollars, it's going to cost the city billions of dollars. I love our TTC drivers and everyone who works on the TTC, but this is an essential service and there could be serious economic impacts.”

Ford said that when he was a Toronto city councillor — and when his brother Rob was mayor — he voted in favor of stripping TTC drivers of their right to strike.

If the ATU and the TTC can't reach an agreement, a strike could begin as early as Friday morning.

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