Okanagan Lake levels not expected to reach full - Okanagan | Globalnews.ca

As we head into our second year of drought, Okanagan officials are closely monitoring lake levels in the region.

Water Level Okanagan Lake Still rising, but not expected to reach full capacity this season.

“We're 31 centimetres away from our target level. I don't think we're going to reach our target level, which is what people usually call full water, which is 342.48 metres above sea level,” said Shaun Reimer, Penticton Dam manager.

“Better, we can do better. Of course, if the lake levels are lower going into the winter, then we'll be concerned about what's going to happen next year.”

Click to play video: 'Rainy days help, but not enough'

Rainy days help but not enough

Reimer of the Ministry of Water, Land and Resource Management said this is because the snowmelt has basically ended.

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Although Okanagan Lake has seen an increase in rainfall over the past few weeks, it is still not enough to have a significant impact on lake levels.

“We would need a lot of rainfall to get there at this point, but I don’t see that happening at least in the short-term forecast,” Reimer said.

If Okanagan Lake does not reach its maximum level, there will be an immediate impact along the Okanagan River.

“We're going to have less outflow, which could affect irrigation systems and even fish returns. I think it's going to be OK this year,” Reimer said.

“But you might see complaints from some tuber residents in the Okanagan River waterway.”

Officials added that since we are heading into the second year of the drought, it is important to conserve water.

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“Having a good water supply is very important for Okanagan Lake. It's very important everywhere this year when you think about the people who get their water or rely on some of the tributaries and things like that,” Reimer said.

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The water treatment plant was officially put into operation

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