Maple Ridge restaurant owner rebuilds patio, suspected arson damages - BC |

Owners and employees Maple RidgeA restaurant in British Columbia (BC) is in trouble after someone set fire to its brand new patio.

Chameleon is a bistro and cocktail lounge located on 224th Street in the heart of downtown.

The fire broke out on Saturday morning and caused extensive damage to the terrace, which was set to open that evening.

The fire department and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police confirmed they are investigating the fire and suspect arson.

Chameleon's owners and crew arrived at the site Monday to clean up the damage and begin rebuilding.

“We just built it 12 and a half hours ago,” owner Ed Auersperg told Global News.

“One drink is enough. No time to start over.”

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Theft, threats force Maple Ridge business to relocate

Olsperger said surveillance video showed someone on the deck, and after the person left, smoke and flames could be seen.

“I’m still trying not to get angry,” he said, “but it’s hard sometimes.”

Olsperger said the attack is just another example of how difficult it has become to do business in Metro Vancouver.

He added: “It’s hard enough running a restaurant after the pandemic.”

“It’s going to be a lot harder now.”

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Maple Ridge funeral home posts video of destruction on social media

A funeral home not far from the restaurant previously told Global News that they might consider relocating due to public disorder and safety issues.

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Nathan Logue of Garden Hills Cremation and Funeral Services posted a video on Facebook in May showing the damage he said crews encounter almost every morning.

এছাড়াও পড়ুন  Surrey standoff: Police say assault suspect violated release conditions multiple times - BC |

Video footage showed broken windows, destroyed flower beds, as well as needles, trash and human feces.

“My concern is that there is not enough support for those who are causing damage to local businesses and the city is not able to provide the necessary assistance to these people,” Logue said.

“We were given adequate assistance from community safety officers and private security to disperse the crowds but this could not prevent the destruction.”

Click to play video: 'Store triumphs over devastating vandalism once again'

Stores once again triumph over devastating vandalism

Just across the street from Chameleon, T’s Once Upon a Tea Leaf store was vandalized twice in the fall of 2023.

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A suspect was captured on video smashing the front window and throwing what appeared to be a smoke bomb into the store.

“When you own a business you expect maybe people will vandalize and loot, it’s just part of owning a business in 2023… but when I saw the video and saw that cloud of smoke… I started crying,” owner Taryn Stephenson said.

“We've worked hard for 16 years and lived in this community. It's painful.”

For now, Olsperger said they will rebuild the patio and hope people will be able to enjoy it for years to come.

“I think there will come a time when you say ‘I’m done,’ but we’re not there yet,” he said.

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