Calgary student's podcast guides future doctors through medical school |

Nathan Barreth, an 18-year-old University of Calgary biomedical science student, is not only pursuing his own dream of becoming a doctor, but he’s also helping others achieve the same dream.

Inspired by a desire for everyday challenges and a conversation with a fellow medical graduate, Barreth launched his podcast “Medical Journey” Demystifying attending medical school.

“I wanted a job that I knew would give me a different challenge every day,” he said.

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Recorded in a small studio on campus, the podcast features interviews with medical students and physicians covering application tips and career insights. At first, Barres thought it would only benefit him, but it quickly attracted hundreds of listeners, including his classmates.

Bioinformatics student Fahad Ilyas discovered it through Bares’ Instagram.

“I clicked on it and thought: ‘That’s a really cool idea,’ ” Elias said.

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Barres’ podcast has become a vital resource for his peers.

“The podcast is very useful for students who aspire to get into medical school,” said student Nikhil Srirsan. “They are able to see the opportunities and support systems available.”

While Barres prepares to apply to medical school, he plans to continue podcasting.

“If you keep an open mind and listen to other people, you’ll find things along the way that can help you achieve your dreams.”

Barreth’s Medical Journey is available on all major streaming platforms.

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