• To start making Ajwain Besan Ka Paratha, we first need to make the dough.Place flour and a pinch of salt in a bowl big bowl. Add water a little at a time and knead into a smooth, smooth dough.

  • Knead well for about 3 to 4 minutes, this will soften the parathas. Drizzle a teaspoon of oil over the dough and knead for a few more minutes. Cover and set aside.

  • Now start making the paratha, reserving some flour for dusting. Divide dough into large lemon balls.

  • Flour the dough, flatten, and roll into a 3-inch diameter round.

  • Now add some besan, ajwain, salt, red chilli powder, cumin seeds, turmeric powder and coriander leaves to half of the circle. Mix everything properly and drizzle some oil over the mixture.

  • Close the paratha by folding it with the other half. We're going to have a semicircular oval shape.

  • Press down on the sides of the paratha to seal the edges and flatten it gently with a rolling pin. Be careful, if you roll out the dough too thin, the filling may ooze out.

  • Now to cook ajwain besan Paratha, first preheat frying pan Medium heat. Place the rolled paratha on top and let it cook on one side. After about 10 to 15 seconds, flip the paratha.

  • At this stage, apply some oil or ghee to cook the paratha. Flip the paratha over a few times until you see golden spots on both sides.

  • Do the same with the remaining dough portion and serve the parathas hot.

  • Serve with Ajwain Besan Ka Paratha Mango Pickle and Molly Retta Enjoy a delicious breakfast.

    এছাড়াও পড়ুন  বিজনেস নিউজ টুডে: ইক্যুইটি এবং স্টক মার্কেটের খবর, অর্থনৈতিক এবং আর্থিক খবর, সেনসেক্স, নিফটি, গ্লোবাল মার্কেট, এনএসই, বিএসই লাইভ আইপিও নিউজ